Different Types of Braces to Straighten Your Teeth

When you decide to get braces, your doctor will recommend the type that you need, or they may have you choose from a couple different kinds due to the different pricing as well as the type of care and appointments involved with your care. After all, you want something that also fits your lifestyle.

Traditional Metal Braces

This is probably what you think about when you think of braces. The dentist or assistant will glue metal brackets to your teeth through which they’ll thread a metal wire in the way that needs to be done so that the right pressure is applied to slowly force your teeth into the place the dentist wants them to be in.

Ceramic Braces Solution

These braces aren’t offered as much because they’re not as popular due to the cost and the problems they have with staining. They start out practically invisible, but eventually they may start looking dirty. Many patients don’t like that. You will sometimes see colored metal wires with this as well as the traditional type braces.

Lingual Braces

This is just a metal brace that is on the inside of your teeth – behind them instead of on the top. Because of this, they’re not considered as effective, but for some patients, especially those with protruding teeth and an overbite, this style may work better and be more comfortable. Some performers will get this type so that when they’re smiling in photos and on film you cannot see them.


These use a combination of metal and ceramic materials with a wire and bracket system. It is the most popular type that is used today. The good thing about them is that they use brackets with clips instead of rubber bands. They tend to have fewer spaces for food to slip into and you can get them in a variety of colors.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

You probably see commercials for something like this where you can order it yourself without the help of a dentist or orthodontist. These are not good for people with serious issues, but they can and do work well for people who need flexible treatment options and can’t get to the doctor for tightening as the system can be made in advance, and the patient switches the braces on their own.

Choosing the right type of braces needs to be a discussion you have with your dentist as well as your family due to the costs, which are often not fully covered by insurance. Most of the time, insurance pays for only a percentage of the treatment. Give us a call to book a Free Smile Assessment with Dr. Rammo to find out if braces are right for you. He is a Diamond Level Provider with Invisalign and over the years has performed thousands of treatments. During your Free Consultation, he will also go over your clear braces options for new patients including Invisalign clear aligners.

Clear Braces: How They Work

Getting your teeth straightened with clear braces

from Just Smile in Ramsgate, NSW is a completely different experience from using traditional bracket and wire braces. This is for several reasons, and here at Just Smile, we think you are going to like all of them. Let’s take a look at them here:

No one can see your braces

One of the most off-putting things about bracket and wire braces is how much they dominate your teeth. Crack a smile and people from almost the centre of Sydney will be able to see those great chunks of metal and wires all over your teeth. Smile when you’ve got clear braces on and no one can see a thing, unless they’re your mum or your partner and they’re right up close to you.

This is because clear braces look more like ultra-thin mouthguards than braces. There are no brackets and wires, just these pieces of very thin plastic shaped to fit your teeth so well, they disappear from view once they are in place.

Eating is easy

The other great thing about clear braces is that they come out. In fact, you have to remove them when you eat or drink anything that’s not plain water. This means you don’t have to spend ages fiddling around trying to remove food trapped behind your equipment, and that toothbrushing is as easy as ever. You do have to brush each time you eat to stop your clear braces from becoming discoloured and therefore visible.

No sore patches

Because there are no brackets or sticking out wires, you won’t develop sore patches inside your mouth.

Fewer dental appointments

Because changing aligners is how your progress the treatment, you don’t need to come in for so many check-ups and adjustments during your treatment.

Free whitening treatment

When you come to the end of your treatment, you can celebrate your new smile with a free whitening treatment from us. What could be better?

Give us a call to book a consultation to find out if clear braces from Invisalign or ClearCorrect will work for you. Dr Rammo is waiting to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Time to Get Invisible with Straightening

If you have been procrastinating about getting your teeth straightened

because you aren’t too happy about everyone being able to see what you are doing, then you need to know about invisible braces.

Here at Just Smile, your dentist in Ramsgate and Woollahra near Bondi Junction, we provide invisible clear aligners rather than noticeable bracket and wire braces.

How clear aligners work

Invisible clear aligners are different from traditional braces technology because they look more like mouth guards than braces. The aligners are moulded to fit your teeth like a second skin, and once they are in place, because the plastic from which they are made is so thin, they are very hard to see.

You get a series of these aligners and inside each one is a carefully placed set of pressure points that press on your teeth gently to get them to move. The pressure points are slightly different inside each aligner in the series. You wear one after the other, each for about 7-10 days and it gets the teeth to move one step along the path to alignment.

By the time you have finished with the last aligner, your teeth will be correctly lined up. Then all you have to do is wear a retainer for a period of time, so that your teeth stay in place while the bone and fibres that hold the teeth in their sockets settle down.

You also get a free whitening treatment when you have completed the treatment, so you leave with a cracking smile.

Hassle-free straightening

As well as being very hard to spot, the other big plus with this way of straightening teeth is that the aligners are taken out every time you want to eat or drink anything other than plain water. With no braces in your mouth, you can eat whatever you want without having to worry about getting food trapped in your straightening device or damaging it.

We have 2 brands of invisible braces: Invisalign and ClearCorrect. Why not get yourself approved for a consultation with Dr Rammo to find out if your alignment issues are suitable for treatment with clear aligners.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

Unit 4-160 Ramsgate Road
Ramsgate Beach NSW 2217
Phone: (02) 9159 3764
Monday - Friday:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat. - Sun.: Closed
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Terms & Conditions
Free Smile Assessment Offer:
  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
  4. Does not include a full examination, x-rays or a scale and polish.
  5. Free Smile Assessment offer can be used in conjunction with other offers such as Whitening, Check up and Polish, and Invisalign offers.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.